You don’t have to break the bank in order to enjoy a fun vacation! While it may be tempting to overindulge while traveling, it’s important to keep an eye on your finances to avoid spending too much. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be difficult or boring to save money while on vacation. Here are some of our top tips for sticking to a budget while traveling:
Book in Advance
Whether you’re booking flights, hotels, or event tickets, you’re more likely to get a good deal if you purchase ahead of time. Avoid leaving major travel expenses to the last minute, as the prices may go up and could end up costing you significantly more than you originally planned.
Look for Free Local Activities
One great way to save money while on vacation is to look for free attractions and events at your destination. With a little bit of prior research, you should be able to find some great parks, museums, fairs, and other low-cost activities wherever you’re visiting. Try looking through community websites and calendars to scope out nearby attractions.
Plan for Public Transportation
Transportation costs can add up very quickly, especially if you are renting a car or taking an Uber to each spot you want to visit. If you want to cut down on expenses, consider using public transportation instead. To make public transportation easier, be sure to check that your hotel is near a bus stop or subway station prior to embarking on your vacation.
Look for Hotels With Kitchen Areas
Eating out for every meal can cost a lot of money, especially if you’re staying in a tourist-heavy area where food may be overpriced. To avoid spending too much, try booking a hotel that has a fridge, microwave, or kitchenette. That way, you can reheat leftovers and store snacks from the local supermarket rather than eating out every day. To save even more, you can also look for hotels that offer complimentary breakfasts.
Use a Credit Card for Points
Vacations are the perfect opportunity to use your credit card and rack up points. With the People’s Visa® Platinum Rewards Credit Card, you can earn points with every purchase you make throughout your vacation. And, once you earn enough, you can redeem the points for things like future travel experiences, event tickets, and more. Using your credit card is a great way to enjoy your current vacation while saving up for the next.
How to Save Money While on Vacation in Vancouver WA
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